Pacific Angler, Vancouver’s largest tackle and fly shop, has been rock’n & roll’n over the past couple of weeks getting in new product. This week we received a couple of new items which has got all of our staff excited.
First and foremost we just received the famous Pacific Angler ball caps in both cotton and trucker style in various colours. These hats are a store favourite and usually fly out of the door. I can’t wait to pick out mine!
As well, for the steelheader we recieved some new & exciting goodies. Pacific Angler got stocked up on Bent Rods Jigs for both pre-tied jigs and do-it-yourself jigs. These jigs are an excellent choice for summer river fishing for both trout, steelhead and salmon in the fall.
Pacific Angler also received some very cool fishing wallets from Finsport. Dave has field tested these wallets, using them to store various sink tips for fishing on rivers for steelhead and salmon.
Dimitri is excited about these wallets for storing pink work rigs, trailer hooks, split shot, and other steelhead goodies. The great thing about the ziplock bags inside is that you can write on them to keep your sink tips categorized and organized.
Staying with the steelhead theme, Dimitri ordered his favourite Mad River worms. Dimitri is very picky when it comes to his selection for steelhead & salmon lures. So when he puts his name on something and recommends a product you know it is a fishy product. Pacific Angler has various styles of pink worms for your summer steelheading and salmon needs.
If you have any questions about the various products we carry please do not hesitate to contact Pacific Angler (604-872-2204) and talk one of our friendly staff. Better yet drop by our store, located at 78 East Broadway – Vancouver’s largest tackle and fly shop – and get the best advice in town from our exceptionally experienced staff.
Happy Fishing!