The idea behind these flies is to have an alternative to trailer hooks, more movement and interchangable tails if your hook goes dull. You can tie different tails in different sizes and colours to match your fly and snap them on by the river or at home.
The snaps I use are found in our salwater section. I use the smallest size. To put on the snap I use 20Ib mono.The hook for the tail part is a 2451 Daichi but you can use any straight eye hook of your choice.Here is an example of a S.A.T fly.
Step 1: put the mono through the snap and tie on the shank firmly.
Step 2: put the tag ends into the eye of the hook and fold underneath.
Step 3: wrap and secure the mono and tie off the thread.
Step 4: tie on a fly pattern of your choice.
Step 5: choose a tail and snap it on…
You can tie GP’s, egg sucking leeches, steelies nightmare, wooly buggers….and many other patterns for different spiecies.
Happy fishing until next time,