We have some nice weather this weekend and good reports keep coming in. This week we have news on the river salmon fishing where the Chilliwack
October is here and with it we are into prime-time river salmon fishing season, prime time interior lake fishing season, and prime time
The first real Fall weather system is rolling through as we are writing this report. As storms go, it is pretty mild, and this is a good thing for all the fisheries. We needed
OUTLOOK We have passed the midway point of September and Fall is in the air here in the Lower Mainland and with that we are enjoying many of our Fall fisheries! On the saltwater front, we are still seeing excellent fishing off the mouth of the Fraser, and we have seen other areas around the…
Our Fall Fishing Sale is almost here! Starting tomorrow, almost everything in the store is on sale. We designed this sale so you can restock the gear you have used over
OUTLOOK Fall is here, at least on the calendar. It isn’t here on the weather front. We have a great weekend of weather ahead of us with temps in the mid 20s and clear skies. This week, we have a big report. In our saltwater report, this week we focus on fall chinook off the…
OUTLOOK Opening weekend is here! You are going to have to wait until Sunday but on Sunday the 1st we can finally fish almost all of the local waters around Vancouver for chinook. This week, we have a detailed report from Jason. He looks at where and the how to target chinook, plus some important…
OUTLOOK Happy Friday everyone! We have a summer storm incoming this weekend. It looks as though we will see drizzly weather for the next 3-4 days with a sizable dump of rain showing up tonight into Saturday morning. If the weather man is on his game this will change things for several fisheries. The fishery…
OUTLOOK We are in for a weather change this weekend. It looks as though Friday and most of Saturday will continue to be nice with some rain and wind pushing in Saturday afternoon. It will then be a mixed bag of cloud, sun and light rain into next week. This is not a bad thing…
OUTLOOK We have another great looking weekend incoming! With temps in the low to mid 20s and a little bit of cloud, it should be perfect to get out. It’s funny; we feel a little like a broken record with a number of our fisheries. “The fishing is great, get out and enjoy it!”, has…
OUTLOOK Welcome to August everyone! Bring on the long weekend! It looks like we are in for some great weather, and it should be a great weekend to get out on the water! We start it off with some fisheries news. As expected, they have announced chinook retention opportunities locally and long story short is…
OUTLOOK We are almost at the end of July and though the cooler weather in the forecast is not ideal sun tanning weather, it is good for our fisheries. A little break in the heat with some moisture will help cool down rivers and dampen our forests. We need to be on the lookout for…
OUTLOOK We are just past the middle of July and though we had a lack luster June weather wise, the weather in July has made up for it. It looks like we are in for another beautiful weekend. The concern now is going to be water levels and fire risk. There is good news there…
OUTLOOK What a week, and it looks as though more great weather is coming. We will see a slight cooling trend but with temperatures still in the mid 20s it looks like a great weekend to get out. We had several great reports from across the fisheries this last week. The trout streams are still…
OUTLOOK We are starting to see solid warm summer weather and it looks as though it is here to stay. With that we will see a drop in levels for our local rivers. In this week’s report we have info for those of you planning trips to the interior to trout fish on the Skagit…
OUTLOOK Happy Canada Day Long Weekend! We have something for everyone in this week’s report! Taylor has a Chilliwack River Update. This system opens on July 1st and we are expecting good water levels so it is well worth a scout. With water levels in mind, we have details on a number of the trout…
OUTLOOK We have a beautiful weekend of weather incoming. Temps are going to be hovering in the low 20s and with mostly sun in the forecast, it should be a good weekend to get out on the water. The BIG news is that the waves of coho we heard reports of up Georgia Strait arrived…
OUTLOOK Happy Father’s Day and Family Fishing Weekend everyone! In this week’s report we share the details on how you can take friends and family out fishing on this weekend’s Family Fishing event! We also have a look at interior and local lakes we take a have a deep dive on river water levels around…