OUTLOOK Wow it is cold out! Just a little warning we are going to say the word “cold” a lot in this outlook. I am getting shivers just writing it. The cold doesn’t have to ruin the fishing and we have seen some nice sun this past week which made for some great days on…
OUTLOOK We are hitting the middle of our winter season. During this time of year cold sunny days can be a challenge for the river fisherman. We will be talking about how these conditions have affected the rivers. Next week looks as though it will be back to cold clear weather but some rain is…
OUTLOOK We are going to throw something different at you in this edition of the report. As always we will look at all the popular fisheries but this week we are toying with a new fishery. It is an interesting one that ties into the lifeblood of our local oceans. We are going to look…
OUTLOOK This week we are watching the weather and the seemingly constant rain. Surprisingly enough the colder weather has helped the rivers settle in the last 2 days. We are optimistic about the weekend and in a number of cases we are more concerned about clear water making things challenging. The Capilano went to near…
Pacific Angler Saltwater Fishing Guides Job Title: Saltwater Fishing Guide Location: Vancouver, BC Job Type: Full-time + Part-time To Apply: Email your resume to Pacific Angler’s Guide Manager, Lars Akerberg, lars@pacificangler.ca or drop it in person at Pacific Anger. Pacific Angler Pacific Angler is Vancouver’s full-service fishing pro shop with saltwater and freshwater guide operations....